Dental Hygienist: Who? Where? How?

My name is Selina Devlin,
I am Dental Hygienist and I'm here
to 'break mysteries' about this so
popular nowadays profession

Dental Hygienist Job Outlook (26.01.11)

Dental hygienist profession is quite popular these days. And job outlook is one of those things you should mind when choosing a career path. Well, I can help you to find out what you can expect from dental hygienist job. Let's now look into some vital things about this profession.

First of all, let's consider the situation on the US job market. It is quite favorable for dental hygienists! You can pick the job to your taste out of wide range of employment options. Moreover, dental hygienist career promises “good” money! And mind, the employment rate of dental hygienists increases each year! The Bureau of Labor and Statistics states that the situation won't change upwards the year 2014. Well, don't you think it's a great perspective?

With the reference to the Career Guide to Industries (CGI), 2010-2011 Edition, dental hygienist is one of the top jobs in the US.

Moreover, a lot of states are suffering from the lack of dental hygienists. This is because of the growing demand in this field of health care. So you should check the situation in your state and hurry up to pick up the slack!

You may ask why the demand for dental hygienists is so urgent. Well, there are several factors that evoke it. The first is the growth of population. Especially it concerns the senior citizens' class. The help of dental hygienists is essential for them. Elder people want to retain their natural teeth as long as possible. So they have to visit dental hygienist quite often.

These days almost all dentist offices hire dental hygienists. Until recent times, they were unwilling to do this. However, with the growing number of patients dentists are forced to employ dental hygienists. They just can't cope with all the tasks by themselves. And this doesn't mean that somebody will earn less. Every person is responsible for his or her own part of work.

What does all this mean for you personally? Firstly, you will easily find a job. Secondly, you will earn “good” money. Thirdly, you will have confidence in future. Well, these factors were key ones for me. And I don't regret my choice any minute! I'm sure that I'll get a career of my dream! And what about you? Think carefully to make a smart decision!